Website RIA Nedvizhimost
is one of the “Russia Today” International News Agency’s websites and represents a multi-functional informational and analytical resource on Russian and foreign market of housing and commercial property.
Here you can see the last news from the area of construction, architecture, infrastructure and urban environment, learn the dynamics of prices for apartments and rent rates, as well as get acquainted with opinions of the most reputable experts and of the most influential real estate market participants in sections “Analytics”, “Point of View” and “Interview”.
The “Realty-Guide” column shows some interesting, unusual and just beautiful buildings and structures erected in Russia and in other parts of the world. In simple language, it gives some general information on the topics and stories, which recently were in the focus of the field-oriented media.
In sections “Practical Advice” and “Design Workshop”, you will find useful recommendations of various professionals – real estate brokers, legal advisers, builders, designers and interior decorators. You can read about real practices of buying, selling or renovation of a house or a summer house of some real people.
You can ask your questions to business people and officials as well as to consultants operating on the real estate market with the help of feedback forms in sections “Online Conferences” and “Questions and Answers”.
In “Catalog” section one can find all necessary information about the most important persons, companies, institutions and objects of the market in a concise form. The announcements of near events in the field of real estate can be found in the “Calendar of Events”.
Besides, at RIA Nedvizhimost website, you can take part in various polls and webinars.
Finally, the block of multi-media information – photo films, infographics and video – is designed for a simple visual demonstration of the most complicated materials.