BIM 4D: Facility and project management: implementation BIM technology
Hall №3.1Date:
October 29 2019Time:
14:30 - 16:00Moderator:
Deputy Director General in charge of Innovation, AMKAD
Темы выступлений:
1.Examples of federal and regional digital platforms implementation in construction
Timur R. Valiyev, Chief Development Officer, BARS Group
2.General contractor comes for BIM. Transformation of requests from a construction sitea
Natalia M. Agafonova, Head of BIM-Department, BIM-Manager of INGRAD Project
3.BIM-Estimate: a solution for automating value calculations based on information models data
BIMTangl Product Director, BIM-Cluster
4.Digitalization in construction: from design sketch to operation
Dmitry G. Bibik, Director of Department of Cooperation with Design Institutes, Schneider Electric; Yuri V. Ionin, Senior Engineer in charge of cooperation with design institutes, Schneider Electric
5.Digital PIK platform for development companies (PIK ConTech Platform). Practices of application in addressing large scale urban planning tasks
Alexey A. Almazov, Vice President for Design and Development of the Franchise, PIK-PROEKT LLC, CEO of PIK-FRANSHIZA LLC, PIK Group of Companies PJSC
6.The changing role of the architect in the digital industry. New investment risk management tools for developers
Konstantin E. Evgenievich, Director of the Moscow Office, Semrén & Månsson