- Will the code “High-Rise Buildings and Complexes. Engineering Rules” become an exhaustive basis of a single operational policy for high-rise buildings in Russia?
- How will the existing experience of operating the high-rise buildings be accumulated and implemented within Russia?
- What are the effective ways of incorporating the best international practices into Russian management and maintenance models?
- Is the implementation of operational “knowledge management” on the basis of already existing national experience possible?
- What are the special technological and economical features of high-rise buildings management and operation?
- Do Russian “high-rise management companies” have their own know-how in management?
Tatiana Alexeeva, Coordinator of the Committee on High-Rise Construction of the Public Board at the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation
1. Pavel Te, Member of the Presidium of the Public Board at the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation, Head of the Committee for High-Rise Construction of the Public Board at the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation
2. Svetlana Yakhkind, Head of the Consultation and Advisory Department, Federal Center for Standardization (FTsS)
3. Nikolay Dubynin, Cand.Sc.Arch., Head of the Department for Architecture of Residential and Public Buildings, JSC TSNIIEP Zhilischa
4. Natalia Pilyutina, General Manager, MFC Gorod Stolitz
5. Oleg Tverdokhlebov, Chief Engineer, MFC Gorod Stolitz
6. Sergey Nikiforov, Chief Engineer, Lakhta Center Multi-Functional Complex JSC
7. Victor Somikov, Chief Engineer of Operations Department, Vysotsky BC