1983 – graduated from Leningrad Engineering-Construction Institute, the Faculty of Architecture.
From 1983 to 1986, he was an architect and chief architect for the architecture department of the Kirov Executive Committee of the City Soviet of People’s Deputies.
In 1987, he started his private practice in free-standing residential building in accordance with Vedic architecture. He also started researching effects of architectural surroundings on people.
He is currently engaged in research and publishing activities, he delivers educational workshops and webinars on Vedic architecture.
He is the author of monographs Harmony of Your Home (2012) and Vedic Architecture (2016).
He also takes part in national and international architectural conferences.
He has a Ph. D. in Architecture, a Grand Ph. D. in Theory and History of Architecture; he's a Professor at the International University of Fundamental Studies and an educator.