1990–current – CEO, Proma Group.
2016–current – member of the executive committee for the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Slovak Republic, Chairman of Supervisory Board for Slovak-Russian Business Council
2015–current – member of the STU academic council
2012–2016 – Chairman, Supervisory Board for Central Slovak Power Networks
2009–current – member of: the Slovak Chamber of Construction Engineers; Slovak Association of Consulting Engineers; International Organization of Designers in Russia.
2005–2009 – External advisor for Ministry of Construction and Regional Development of Slovakia, President of Builders' Association of Slovakia, member of International Construction Industry Federation
2000–current Chairman of the Design and Engineering Committee of the BA of Slovakia, member of the BA of Slovakia Presidium
1998 – Doctoral thesis on the topic "Packaging shells of buildings with increased stress of internal environment", Civil Engineering Faculty of STU
1989 – Chief Engineer, "Aboveground Construction Zilina", engineer, head of interactive graphics workshop