Apprenticeship as a glazier at the Professional School for Glass in Hadamar and the Glas Elstner GmbH in Regensburg,Germany.
Professional Studies as a State Certified Engineer for glass constructions at the Technical College for glass constructions.
Education as a Master Glazier Official appointed and sworn expert for glazier trade (glass in buildings).
Since 04/2014 Member of the advisory board of the Bundesverband Flachglas (Federal Association for Architectural Glazing), Troisdorf.
Since 2009 Member of the Workshop “Thermal Insulation” at the Assocation of Window & Façade Manufacturers (VFF-Verband der Fenster- und Fassadenhersteller).
Since 2008 Member of Technical Advisory Board of the Institut des Glaserhandwerks für Verglasungstechnik und Fensterbau (Institute of the Glazing Trade for Glazing Technology and Window Manufacture), Hadamar.
Since 10-2008 Member of the board of directors in the Quality Association Insulating Glass Units e.V.,Trosidorf (Gütegemeinschaft Mehrscheibenisolierglas).
Since 2007 Member of Technical Committee of the Bundesverband Flachglas (Federal Association for Architectural Glazing), Troisdorf. Speaker of the Workshop “Curved Glass” at the Federal Association for Architectural Glazing.
Since 2007 Vice chairperson of the Association for Glazier Oberpfalz (Administrative District of the State of Bavaria.) & County Kelheim.
Since 2002 Member of the workshop „Glazing & Glass constructions“of the Federal Association “Jungglaser und Fensterbauer e.V.”
And author of different national and International papers and speaker in several national and international conferences which are dealing with the application of glass