Stefan Oeschger, MA Arch. FH
1998-2002 Apprenticeship as structural draughtsman in Switzerland.
2002-2004 Collaboration with Peter Zumthor, Haldenstein.
2004-2009 Studied architecture at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences in Winterthur, Switzerland. architecture at Kingston University, London.
2002-2004 Employee of Peter Zumthor, Haldenstein.
2004-2009 Studied architecture at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Winterthur.
2007 Studied architecture at Kingston University, London.
2008 Studied architecture and urban planning at the University of the Arts, Berlin.
2009 Master's degree in architecture at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences ZFH
2009-2013 Senior architect at Darlington Meier Architekten, Zurich.
Since 2013 teaching at the BWZ-Rapperswil, specialising in design and building materials.
2014 Foundation of JOM Architekten.
2015 Lecturer in building ecology at the GBW, Wetzikon.