Graduated in 1999 from the Ekaterinburg Firefighting and Engineering School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, specializing in fire safety.
Graduated in 2013 from the Plekhanov Ural University of Economics, majoring in Banking and Finance.
He is a student of the 1 st year of the Faculty of executive staff of the Academy of the State Fire Service of EMERCOM of Russia, specializing in "Federal and municipal public administration".
In 2000 - 2014 he served in various positions at the State Fire Inspectorate of the Supervisory Administration of the Main Directorate of the EMERCOM of Russia in the Sverdlovsk region.
On 08.09.2015 he was appointed to the position of Deputy Head of the Main Directorate - Head of the Supervisory Activity and Preventive Work Administration of the Main Directorate of the the EMERCOM of Russia in the Sverdlovsk region.
The Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia #123 NS dated 06.07.2016 promoted him to the special rank of Colonel of Internal Service as of 30.06.2016.
Has a number of ministerial awards.