Sergey Alpatov is General Director of the Association of Underground Builders and Designers, President of the Russian Society for Trenchless Technologies, Deputy Chairman of the Underground Space Development Commission of NOSTROY, and a member of the ACUUS Board
In 1980 Sergey graduated from the Mining University named after G.V. Plekhanov majoring in the Construction of Underground Structures and Mines; in 1992, graduated from the Interdisciplinary Institution of Advanced Training and Retraining at the Saint-Petersburg University of Economics and Finances majoring in the New Business Methods in Market Conditions.
Started his working career in the SMU-17 of Lenmetrostroy. Took the positions of Deputy Chief Engineer, Chief Engineer of the Tunnel Unit No.3 of Lenmetrostroy.
Was a member of the Board of Directors of Lenmetrostroy. Worked as General Director of MGP Metrospetsstroy of the MIST corporation.
Since 2008, holds the position of General Director of the Association of Underground Builders and Designers.
Starting 2013, President of the Russian Society for Trenchless Technologies (ROBT) Non-Commercial Partnership, a member of the Board of Directors of the Associated research Centers for the Urban Underground Space (ACUUS).
Subject of the presentation:
«Problems and Potential of Underground Space Development in Russia. Results of the 15th ACUUS International Conference in Saint Petersburg»