Realrich Sjarief founded RAW Architecture which is an extension of the Realrich Architecture Workshop in 2011. He is also active in the DOT Workshop, which focuses on tectonic research, and the OMAH Library, a research group and public library that holds about 1,500 architectural volumes and holds periodic public events about contemporary architectural discourse. Realrich Sjarief actively teaches at several universities in Indonesia and often gives public lectures. He wrote and edited several books with several other writers such as The Guild, Architectural Philosophy for Students, Dancer House, Architectural Theory for Students, Becoming an Architect, Fee, Tan Tjiang Ay - Begawan Tjiptaning, Gunawan Tjahjono - Maharsi Bisma, Tectogram, Secret of Architect's life, Craftgram, and Methodgram.
Together with RAW Architecture, he won several design competitions, including the Indonesian National Gallery Competition, Finalists from the Silaban Museum, IAI Jakarta Award in 2017 with Omah Library, 2018 World Architecture Festival Finalist, 2019 Fibra Award, and the 2018 Kohler Award for the work of Alfa School Omega RAW Architecture in 2018 - 2019 is a long listed world emerging architect. Recently RAW Architecture also received an Emerging Architect nomination at the Asia Pacific Design Award 2020.